15.04.2016 Übersicht | Drucken

Happy Birthday OCEAN!

ISSA's President Mr Abdul Hameed Hajah, representing the International Shipsuppliers & Services Association and nearly 2,000 ship suppliers throughout the world congratulates OCEAN on the organization's 40th birthday.

ISSA President Mr Abdul Hameed Hajah
Singapore - Forty years ago few would have imagined what the ship supply industry in Europe would look like in 2016; fewer still would have believed the amazing contribution to the industry’s well-being made by OCEAN.

Born from the need to inter-act with the then European Economic Community (the old Common Market), OCEAN’s work has expanded beyond recognition to its present role of closely monitoring the EU’s regulation of the ship supply industry. 

It is a great pleasure for me to salute OCEAN and its hard-working Members for all that they do to protect ship supply in Europe and pledge ISSA’s continued support.