12.03.2022 Übersicht | Drucken

A new leadership takes charge

 The re-elected OCEAN Chairman reflects on priorities for 2022.

Hamburg, Germany -

For 2022 and the coming years OCEAN has a wide range of subjects on the agenda ! The main idea is to build a road map, which clearly shows OCEAN’s targets for the next 4 years. In 2026 OCEAN will celebrate its 50th anniversary and this is a very good milestone to prepare for the medium and long-term future of our proud organization.

In our last Board meeting in November 2021 the Board installed a sub-group consisting of OCEAN Chairman Wolfgang Sump, Vice Chairman Costantino Zavoianni and the Swedish delegate Carl Forsman. The Board asked the group to present a first draft of this challenging task by the end of February 2022. This draft will be discussed in the next Board Meeting in May.

Without lifting too many secrets at this stage, here we have a few keywords mentioned in the document, which currently is named “Agenda.50” as a working title:

OCEAN will of course continue to work on making a shipsupplier’s life as easy as possible by supporting the industry regarding customs, VAT, excise duties, health regulation and so on. A strong presence and visibility at the European decision makers will remain of utmost importance. At the same time OCEAN will closely monitor new future subjects such as digitalization, diversification or environment.

Furthermore OCEAN will take a special look at a modern internal structure, networking activities and financial stability with clearly defined timeframes and responsibilities. All this will help to guarantee that OCEAN is well prepared for the next 50 years !