Priorities from the OCEAN Chairman
 The re-elected OCEAN Chairman reflects on priorities for 2022.

08.12.2021 | W. Sump
The German Shipsuppliers Association reflects on the new German political leadership
 What will the new German government mean for the martitime sector in Germany and the EU? The German Shipsuppliers Association reflects.

01.10.2021 | Dirk Cupido
 Vice Chairman of OCEAN and Board member responsible for VAT, Mr. D. Cupido, shares his insights into the importance of VAT for ship supply

OCEAN and ISSA priorities in 2021
 OCEAN Chaiman W. Sump and ISSA President Saeed Al Malik join forces to discuss priorities for 2021 for the International and European ship supply industry.

Watch the webinar and expert panel discussion
ISSA, the International Ship Suppliers Association, had been receiving  queries and concerns from our ship supplier members relating to their responsibilities under EU Ship Recycling Regulations (SRR), which to some extent at least incorporates elements of the MEPC 69. Important to talk the issues through. ISSA helt an intersting webinar.

14.08.2020 | German Verband Deutscher Schiffsausrüster e.V. (VDS)
Article for OCEAN blog by J. Pfeiffer, Chair of the German OCEAN member Verband Deutscher Schiffsausrüster e.V. (VDS)
  "The German ship supply industry requests further EU support measures that enable a fast and effective crisis recovery management across the entire German and European maritime industry", Chair J. Pfeiffer said. 

Effective measures include, in particular, appropriate support for shipping, shipbuilding and its supply industry, port management, maritime logistics and, last but not least, ship suppliers. We need compensation for the hard cuts and losses of recent times.  We need quick, effective and suitable support measures that allow us to restart "normal" operations, structures and processes swiftly.

01.08.2020 | AESMAR
The chairman of the Spanish AESMAR, Mr. Constantino Dritsakis
The chairman of the Spanish AESMAR, Mr. Constantino Dritsakis
"When the going gets tough, you can count on Spanish ship suppliers."
Spain, along with Italy, were the two countries initially most affected by the outbreak of the global pandemic, COVID-19. Mid-March 2020, the Spanish Government declared a state of emergency. AESMAR, the Spanish Ship Suppliers Association recalls how their members experienced the "lockdown". In this report, the association explains that they jumped into action to ensure that vital ship supply support services can continue to help Spain recover from this unprecedented crisis.

17.06.2020 | ISSA
Though the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has caused a slowdown in maritime trade, outside the force majeure factor the ship supply sector in Turkey continues to grow steadily, according to George Saris, President of the Turkish Ship Suppliers Association (TURSSA).

02.05.2020 | N. Mavrikos, the Chair of the Hellenic Ship Suppliers Association
Why ship supply guidance is no longer enough
The integration of customs legislation into a single community customs code and the provisions regulating value-added tax and excise duties on petroleum, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, combined with the work of the European Ship Suppliers Organization (OCEAN), have highlighted the need for harmonised ship supplying procedures in all EU Member States for the surveillance of products delivered to ships.

N. Mavrikos, the Chair of the Hellenic Ship Suppliers Association and OCEAN Board member reflects on why the current EU ship supply guidance is no longer enough.


20.04.2020 | N. Proios, Member of the OCEAN Working Group on Customs, Taxation and Tobacco
N. Proios, Member of the OCEAN Working Group on Customs, Taxation and Tobacco says ship supply is ready to help eliminate the illicit trade in tobacco products
OCEAN, the European Ship Suppliers Organization, supports the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO) in their efforts to eliminate the illicit trade in tobacco products. As N. Proios, Members of OCEAN's Working Group for Veterinary and Health Matters explains, the close cooperation between the European Commission and the European Ship Supply Industry ensures that the new EU-system achieves its goals when it comes to serving the many foreign vessels calling EU-ports each day.